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Tyler Jacob Donohue

Tyler Jacob Donohue

See If You Are Eligible To Donate

Did you know...

What It's Like To Donate a Kidney


Learn more about living donation here

Hi, my name is Tyler, and this is my story. I am 28 years old and was diagnosed with end-stage renal failure in the last week of February of 2021. I have been on dialysis since March 3, 2021, and I needed a kidney transplant. My blood type is O+. Any support is welcome; anyone willing to donate can contact the transplant center. I find myself struggling to get by. Dialysis is genuinely starting to take its toll, so if you are willing to share your spare and donate a kidney, I would be endlessly thankful to you. It's an immense request to ask of anyone, and you'd be more than just someone who donated a piece of their body; you'd be someone who saved a life. Thank you for reading my story and offering prayers and support because, in the hard times, it keeps me determined to keep going because this is a bright future full of potential and possibility. And I cannot say how overjoyed the news would make me hear somebody matched. Thanks to you, I can regain my freedom and live life to the fullest.

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