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Michael L. Cherry
See If You Are Eligible To Donate
Learn more about living donation here.
Provided by The Great Social Experiment
My name is Michael L. Cherry and I need a kidney transplant to live. I am sixty-five years old, and I was diagnosed with stage-4 kidney disease in April of 2017 due to Hypertension, and eleven kidney stones surgeries in twelve years. I currently have stage-5 kidney disease but dialysis has not been required yet. My Kidney function was holding steady at 18% over the last three years, but recently decreased to 14%.
I have been married to the love of my life, Esther Morlu Cherry for thirty-three years. I am a proud father of three handsome sons and six beautiful granddaughters. I am the Pastor and Founder of Great Is Thy Faith Ministries, Inc. since November 2006.
I am retired from Montgomery County Police Department after 20 years of service, in Montgomery County, Maryland. Upon my retirement, I worked for 16 years with Job Corp as an Outreach & Admission Counselor/Recruiter serving At-Risked Youth, ages 16-24 yrs. old. I enjoy singing, writing, reading, working out, and cooking.
My physician has encouraged me to pursue a LIVING DONOR Kidney Transplant because they last 10 years longer than kidneys from a deceased donor, and a transplant would be faster and hopefully, I can outrun DIALYSIS.
Please share my story to help find that special person to be my living donor.
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