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Erika Butler

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What It's Like To Donate a Kidney
Learn more about living donation here.
Provided by The Great Social Experiment
Hello, my name is Erika Butler. I am 29 years old and from Nashville, Tennessee. This isn’t easy for me to say because I am normally a very private person. In 2019, my kidneys failed. I was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease which destroyed my kidneys. I have been on dialysis for 4 years and am in dire need of a kidney transplant.
The last four years, I have been in and out of the hospital and have had multiple surgeries related to my kidney condition. Being on dialysis has been a huge physical and mental challenge. I constantly feel sick, I’m unable to work full-time, and I often feel like a burden on my family. It has turned my life upside down.
Even though life has been a struggle, each day I focus on taking care of my body. I try to eat healthy foods and to stay active as best as I can. I also find support through my friends and family.
A transplant from a living donor would allow me to go back to a normal life and work at a job which gives me purpose. I would have more time with family and friends; I could travel; I could serve my community more, and just feel normal. I created and own a make-up business and would like to be able to expand it.
A living donor would make ALL of this possible and it would give me a second chance of life. I would be so grateful if you could share my story.
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